Best Intermediate Colleges in Hyderabad for MPC| Gatik Junior College


MPC Course with Architecture and Design


Architecture is often referred to as Architectural Engineering. Architecture is a highly competitive and multi-disciplinary profession. The Architecture courses customize your academic pathway and lead you towards innovation, creativity, arts, and culture.


According to CoA (Council of Architecture), Commerce and Arts stream students won't be able to pursue B.Arch. course in the future. New minimum educational qualification is intermediate passed with MPC (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects) from a recognized board to pursue Bachelor of Architecture course.

However, commerce, arts, and humanities stream students can also pursue Architecture courses after fulfilling the eligibility criteria. Candidates must have passed intermediate college with mathematics subject with a minimum score of 50% aggregate marks. Though minimum marks may vary from one institute to another Mathematics is a mandatory subject in the intermediate board exam.

In addition to the entrance exam, students must appear for NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) test. This is a good opportunity for art students to get a good score in NATA and secure admission to an Architecture institute.


Integration of MPC course and Architecture

Most of the intermediate colleges inHyderabad are introducing an integrated program with MPC & Architecture, so MPC students can have ample opportunities in the field of design and architecture. In addition to the MPC course, they train students for the academic requirements of architecture and other creative exams such as NID, NATA, JEE B. Arch, NIFT, Symbiosis (SID), DSK International, etc.

The various design courses such as architecture, product design, commercial/industrial design, graphic design & animation, communication design, interior design, fashion design and fashion technology, fine arts are part of the syllabus to make the career path easy for the MPC group of students.

During the long 5 years undergraduate degree course of B.Arch., The MPC stream of students become professional and qualified architectures. The process of architecture includes: planning, designing, and constructing physical structures and that need precise calculation, mathematical excellence, and scientific understanding about various fields. MPC course is dedicated to 2 years of learning about the scientific process and mathematical skills, in intermediate colleges.


Methodology of Teaching

Most of the intermediate colleges in Hyderabad have included extensive courses in architecture with MPC to creating a strong foundation for students.  They aim to give a thorough & in-depth understanding of architecture and prepare them to crack architecture entrance after intermediate college. The two integrated courses of MPC & Architecture design included:

·       Preparation for national level top design & architecture colleges such as NID NEED, UCEED, NATA, JEE B.Arch., NIFT, MITID Pune, SID Pune, DSK International, CEPT Ahmedabad, Srishti Bangalore, IICD Jaipur, UID Ahmedabad, DJ Academy Coimbatore, and others.

·       Parallel training for engineering entrance exams and architecture entrance exams.

·       Regular mock tests and simulation tests for all relevant entrance exams.

·       Use of Design & Innovation lab with experts’ mentoring and guidance.

·       Dedicated academic and professional teaching staff apply knowledge and skills in creative, technical, environmental, theoretical, and professional areas in architecture and design.

·       A series of design workshops conducted to improve students’ aptitude, perspective and heighten their aesthetic sensibilities and abilities.

·       The teaching is focused on innovative techniques, design thinking, and creative expression.

·       Individual training for studio test, portfolio round & personal interview for developing personality.


Entrance Exam

Most Architecture institutes inHyderabad follow the merit-based admission process. NATA test merits and board examination marks, both are considered for seat allotment to deserving candidates. There are two national-level entrance exams for Architecture. Though, different states also hold separate entrance exams for admission to architecture in the states.


·       JEE- B.Arch.: This is the second paper of the JEE Mains exam which is given on the same day in the afternoon session.

·       National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA)

The All-India Entrance Examination for Architecture is known as NATA. It is conducted twice in the year i.e., in April and June. Test centres are updated on the website by March. There are many NATA Exam centres all over Hyderabad.

There are many national and regional architecture institutes where you can apply separately with your NATA score in application forms.

NATA scores are used by admissions authorities of all government/ government-aided schools / Collegesof Architecture and private colleges as common measures for comparing the qualifications of applicants.


Eligibility Criteria

All Government & Government-aided Architecture Colleges have the same eligibility criteria. Some private institutes conduct their entrance exams.

·       Candidates appeared in intermediate exams with MPC course or math as the compulsory subject if other than science stream.

·       The candidate must have done intermediate from a recognized board.

·       Minimum 50% aggregate score in intermediate exam.

·       Candidates must have appeared in the NATA exam.


After completing B.Arch., you can pursue a specialization course at the postgraduate level.

There is a wide employment opportunity for architects in industrial ventures, consultancy and private architectural firms, teaching institutions, real estate, development firms, etc. They can start their private practices.


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